Sleep Support with Melatonin Veg Caps 50 Count

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Sleep Support with Melatonin Veg Caps 50 Count

Our Sleep Support Supplement with Melatonin delivers three clinically studied compounds that encourage restful sleep, a healthy response to stress, youthful-looking skin and other benefits.

Sleep Support with Melatonin Benefits:

  • Helps to support optimal, restful sleep
  • Promotes a healthy, natural response to stress
  • Provides potent cellular protection against free radicals
  • Encourages youthful, healthy-looking skin

Aging and/or our modern lifestyles and other factors can disrupt your sleep cycles, which in turn can affect your health. Livamed Sleep Support with Melatonin contains immediate-release melatonin and other  ingredients support sleep quality, promote the body’s healthy stress response.

Suggested Use: Take one capsule with water 30 minutes prior to bedtime. Melatonin exist naturally in the human body and is involved in setting mammalian circadian rhythms. Our sleep support with melatonin contains two b vitamins which play roles in the production of adrenal hormones and essential neurotransmitters that regulate sleep patterns. Magnesium aids in calming nerves and relaxing the muscles. Gaba is an amino acid that calms an over-excited brain, and l-theanine stimulates the brain's production of relaxing alpha waves, supported by calming chamomile flowers.

Are you getting a good night's sleep?

If not, you're not alone. Nearly two-thirds of all Americans complain of occasional sleeplessness.

Nearly 40 percent of those polled said they wake up off and on throughout the night, while more than a quarter of respondents said they wake up too early and can’t get back to sleep – or had a tough time falling asleep in the first place.

If that wasn’t bad enough, almost half of respondents said they don’t feel refreshed when they wake up in the morning. Many feel even more tired and have a difficult time staying awake during the day.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Occasional trouble falling asleep – or staying asleep? Don’t feel your best when you wake up? That's not the way it’s supposed to work...

You want to be able to fall asleep quickly, get a peaceful night’s rest and wake up feeling recharged, renewed and reenergized.*

Your Well-Being Depends Upon a Good Night’s Sleep

Full Night of Sleep
Your brain requires a full night of sleep so it can sweep away toxins

I'm sure you realize that good sleep is not only something you want... It's something you -- and your body -- desperately needs.

You need a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep each night to help:

  • Recharge your body and mind
  • Sweep away brain toxins
  • Support your immune system
  • Deal with daily stressors
  • Promote muscle and cellular repair
  • Restore mental, emotional, and physical energy
  • Renew the focus and alertness you need to get through your day

Without a doubt, good sleep is essential for your health and well-being, including your brain function.

Many people are surprised to learn that their brain has its own unique waste removal system, called the glymphatic system.

Your brain must have enough restful sleep at night so it can carry out its normal purging of wastes. While you’re asleep, your brain cells actually shrink by about 60 percent so your brain can more easily flush away toxins and harmful proteins that normally accumulate during the day.

Skimping on sleep may prevent your brain from performing this essential daily task, which can adversely affect your cognitive health.

Not getting enough deep, sound sleep each night can affect you in other unexpected ways, too…

What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep…

Skimp on Sleep may lose Brain Cells
You can lose precious brain cells when you skimp on sleep

You know how it feels when you don’t get enough good-quality sleep at night when:

  • You have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning
  • Your performance suffers at school, on the job, or with normal activities
  • It takes extra focus and concentration to make even the easiest decisions
  • You find yourself feeling clumsy or uncoordinated
  • You experience increased moodiness, depression or irritation
  • You struggle to stay awake while working or driving
  • Praying for Sleep

These are just a few of the effects you or a loved one can experience with too little sleep – even short term. A recent study showed that getting less sleep for just one night reduced participants’ ability to function the following day by over 30 percent!

Feeling sleepy or drowsy the next day isn’t only a nuisance, it can be a real threat to your safety and to that of loved ones.

But that’s not all… Researchers have now discovered there’s a real threat to your brain cells, too, when you don’t get enough sleep.

For the first time ever, neuroscientists have been able to show that sleep loss actually results in the loss of neurons and may put you at increased risk for early onset dementia.

Simply, inconsistent and intermittent sleep can cause irreversible brain damage. And here’s the thing… researchers have also found that trying to catch up on lost sleep on the weekend – something that many people try to do – doesn’t prevent this damage.

Beware of This Tempting Solution… It May Bring You Results You Don’t Want

Risks of Sleeping Pills
Sleeping pills come with their own set of risks

Believing there’s a “prescription bottle solution” to your sleep issues can be hard to resist. More people than ever rely on medication to help them sleep.

But are you aware of these little-known, yet scientifically supported facts about prescription sleeping pill usage?

  • New users of certain popular sleeping pills have nearly double the risk for car crashes.
  • Users had a 4.6-time greater risk of death as non-users (based on a study that followed them for an average of 2.5 years).
  • Those who averaged over 132 sleeping pills per year were 35 percent more likely to develop a new cancer.
  • Among adults over 65, users were 50 percent more likely to develop dementia over a 15-year period.
  • Because they act on your brain the same way as heroin, sleeping pills can be equally addicting.

To me, this seems like a very steep price to pay for a chance at improving your sleep. And it turns out it’s not even that great of a chance…

Upon analysis, researchers found that the most popular prescription sleeping pills reduced the average time to go to sleep by less than 13 minutes. And they increased total sleep time by just over 11 minutes, even though study participants believed they had slept longer.

Here’s the cold, harsh truth about sleeping pills, including most non-herbal, over-the-counter sleep aids: They make your brain less active; many suppress important REM sleep and dreaming as well. And their brain-depressing effects can last as long as 18 hours!

Thankfully, I’ve got a potent solution for your sleep concerns that doesn’t have these unwanted side effects.*

Sweet Zzz's Can Be Yours Again... 

Sleep in Bed with Melatonin Sleep Spray

If you or a loved one are one of the millions of people fed up with occasional sleeplessness, you're about to discover how a simple, but totally revolutionary spray or tablet can help you finally experience deep, sound sleep again.*

Imagine how good you’ll feel knowing you can fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly throughout the night…*

And feel rested and energized when you wake up in the morning, ready to meet your day with a clear mind and plenty of get-up-and-go.*

When you get the deep sleep your body needs, you enjoy your life... the life you deserve... the way you want it.

That’s why I’m delighted to introduce you to a very unique sleep support blend –Sleep Support with Melatonin.

With Livamed Sleep Support, Enjoy Deep Sleep Without Unwanted Side Effects*

Sleep Support with Melatonin is a proprietary blend of exceptional neuro-nutrients and plant extracts that promote deep and restful sleep without using habit-forming drugs with potentially dangerous side effects.*

Sleep Support is much more than a simple melatonin supplement. In addition to melatonin, my unique formula contains other ingredients, including a Calming and a Neuro Blend.

Our Livamed Sleep Support supplement also includes:

  • L-Theanine – An amino acid found in tea that acts as a neurotransmitter promoting relaxation without sedation.*
  • GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) – Found in studies to increase relaxing brain alpha waves and reduce “busy-mind” beta waves.*

Why My Neuro and Calming Blends Place Sleep Support in a Class of Its Own

Maybe you’re wondering why Livamed added a Neuro and a Calming Blend to my Sleep Support… Isn’t melatonin by itself good enough?

While melatonin offers many terrific benefits for relaxation and sound sleep, there are other outstanding substances that are just as valuable but not as well-known as melatonin.*

That’s why Livamed formulated Sleep Support – to bring together the best ingredients that I know of for promoting sleep. There’s no shortage of melatonin supplements on the market today, but I think you’ll be hard-pressed to find anything that matches up to my Sleep Support.

As an example, I added 5-HTP to the formula, which is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is vitally important to your brain as it helps relay signals between cells and regulates mood and behavior.*

5-HTP and serotonin may:

  • Help produce a calming effect*
  • Help you fall asleep faster*
  • Increase the time you spend in REM sleep, which in turn helps you feel well rested and vibrant during the day.

Your body makes 5-HTP from tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in food. However, researchers have discovered that eating tryptophan-rich foods has little impact on your 5-HTP levels.

5-HTP is just one of the 10 exceptional ingredients in Sleep Support. There are plenty more, including Niacin and Vitamin B6, both of which may help you sleep more soundly.*

Now that you’ve met the essential supporting players in my Sleep Support, let’s take a look at the headliner of the show: melatonin.

Melatonin – Nature’s Key Player to Help You Get the Sleep You Deserve*

Melatonin Sleep Hormone
Melatonin, the sleep hormone, allows you to awaken each morning refreshed

In countless studies, melatonin has been shown to:

  • Increase your feeling of sleepiness*
  • Help you fall asleep quicker*
  • Lengthen total sleep duration*
  • Enhance overall sleep quality*
  • Improve morning alertness*
  • Reduce daytime fatigue*

What exactly is this sleep “wonder hormone”?

Melatonin is a hormone produced by a pea-sized gland in the middle of your brain called the pineal gland.

For most people, the pineal gland is inactive during the day. It’s only at night – in darkness – that your pineal gland switches on and begins producing melatonin that gets released into your blood.

Typically, during a normal night’s sleep, your melatonin levels stay elevated for about 12 hours (usually between 9 p.m. and 9 a.m.). As the sun rises and your day begins, your pineal gland turns “off,” and the melatonin levels in your blood decrease until they’re hardly measurable at all.

The amount of melatonin you create and release every night varies depending on your age. Children usually have much higher levels of melatonin than adults.

As you grow older, your levels tend to decrease. Researchers believe this may explain why many older adults occasionally experience disrupted sleep patterns.

With less melatonin in your blood, the stimulus to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake feeling rested can potentially be compromised.

Indeed, that’s just one of the reasons why I believe Sleep Support with Melatonin is so promising as a superior sleep supplement for people with occasional disrupted sleep patterns, including those with travel-related jet lag and night-shift workers.*

Two Common Mistakes Many People Make When Taking Melatonin

As helpful as research shows melatonin may be, I must warn you, it isn’t a “cure-all” for all sleep concerns, and it is a potent hormone.

That said, here are two common mistakes that many make when taking melatonin:

  • Taking too much

    Perhaps you’ve seen sleep melatonin products that contain 3 mg or even 5 mg of melatonin per serving and wondered if “more is better.” Too high a dose can potentially disrupt your sleeping pattern and cause you to wake up in the middle of the night or make it more difficult to wake up alert and refreshed in the morning.

    That’s why we’ve formulated Sleep Support with what’s optimal for most people to promote sound sleep – 1.5 mg of melatonin per 6-spray or one tablet dose.*

  • Taking it too late

    If you take oral melatonin tablets right before hopping into bed, you may think it’s not working and be tempted to take more. Some melatonin tablets can take as long as 90 minutes to start working in your body.

    My Sleep Support with Melatonin fast-acting spray or convenient tablets work quickly because they are a unique blend of 10 ingredients and not just one. If you’re taking Sleep Support tablets, I recommend taking it one hour before bedtime.

See for Yourself... The Sleep Support Difference

A quick stroll down your health food store aisle or an online search reveals dozens of melatonin supplements.

So, it makes sense that you might ask yourself: “Aren’t all melatonin supplements the same?”

I’ve put together a chart so you can compare Sleep Support with Melatonin to the other supplements out there. Looking at this, I'm sure you'll see why I believe so strongly in Sleep Support.

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